Reply To: Paulson Plan – How It Will Mess up Our Economy For Good

Home Forums In The News Paulson Plan – How It Will Mess up Our Economy For Good Reply To: Paulson Plan – How It Will Mess up Our Economy For Good


squek: you clearly no ziltch about the economy. besides, economists tend to be the last bastion inside colleges that are truly bi-partisan. taking banks out of the free market makes as much sense as saying turn banks into pizzerias. banks by their nature are either free in their market or socialized, as in venezuela. you take them and make them socialized, the country becomes a socialist country immediately ,as the government now controls all banks, and decides who gets money and who doesnt. that is by far the stupidest thing i have heard in this site ever. also, the biggest are falling, not the middle or small sized banks. only teh big ones, so again you are wrong. this will not cause monopolies, but rather many small to medium size banks, as no one will trust large mutli-faceted banks anymore.