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Mdlevine, one very nice list of things actually appears in the long Tashlich in the Artscroll siddur, including that women should give birth safely, and that travelers should always have a safe trip, etc. Still, that whole tashlich takes less than a half hour. There are also various yehi ratzons that appear in the kedushah where one can ask for good children. Even if you say everything with much kavanah, I still think it would take far less than 8 hours.
Anyway, the most important thing about any shul is the warmth and friendliness of the people and the Rov. As long as everybody is comfortable and happy with their davening, then gezunteheit. However, we need to make sure we are not stressing our kids. Adults can always take a sefer and learn (as long as the chazzan is not keeping them on their feet too long). But kids keep asking when is davening going to be over. You don’t want them to come away dreading Rosh Hashana all year.