Reply To: Time Releasing Nutrition Capsule For Yom Kippur

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Time Releasing Nutrition Capsule For Yom Kippur Reply To: Time Releasing Nutrition Capsule For Yom Kippur


jO jO: you might have to ask a Sheilah

(L’aniyus Daati)depending how long does this releasing process takes.

If the releasing process takes much longer than any food would digest

it might be a problem.

Because the whole Inyan of fasting on Yom Kippur

is to become a Me’Uneh

“Ve’inisem Es Nafshoseichem”

We must refrain from 5 things.

5 Inuyim.

By taking this pill you are might be

taking away the standard Inuy that comes with

fasting after all the food is digested.