Reply To: Sowell: Obama Win Would Be Historic Tragedy

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illini07: saying that he didnt say that mccain would be anymore willing then mccain is ridiculous.

1. he starts out clearly stating “Performance is where Obama has nothing to show for his political career, either in Illinois or in Washington.” i don’t think he thinks mccain has “nothing to show” for his many years in the senate!

3. “If Barack Obama thinks that such a catastrophe can be avoided by sitting down and talking with the leaders of Iran, then he is repeating a fallacy that helped bring on World War II.” this is talking about barack obama and not john mccain. it is the policies of this “immature” (as putin put it) statesman from illinois that are that of pre-ww2 europe!

and there are many other things in this article clearly about obama’s policies which are in complete conflict with the beliefs AND RECORD of john mccain! so where exactly should we note things about what he did and did not say?