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Itzik- Yes, I am out of h.s and sem, i am a sophmore in college. i have experienced shabbos elesewhere especially while in israel and i spent shabbos with some amazing people, they are out there but if i am not surrounded by them what does it matter. ive been told im a magent for the people with issues and stuff so maybe i am missing out on good stuff, i live in a normal community i jsut see so much stuff going on that i feel everyone is blind to and that i want to help but i am incapable of doing anything.
Gitty- there are two types of not being frum, one is the kids at risk who do drugs drink and stuff and than people like you who live a healthy and happy lifestyle minus judiasm, it took me a while to realize that cause when i went off i went all the way off, but than i met a couple of people a lit bit older than me who grew up frum but chose to forgo most of judiasm, they are still in the jewish worls and are succesfful amazing people and they are people i emulate and want to follow them. I know what I believe but sometimes with everyone telling me differently its hard to stand uo for what i believe.