Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?


I am not sure whether my earlier posting went through as I pushed a wrong button so allow me to comment on this matter now, albeit a bit late.

Edc’s qestion is so preposterous that I don’t know why anyone would even take him seriously. Yet,the real danger is in the idea that anyone who does not think like him is FREI ! And, obviously, this would disqaulify such people from even gving an opnion because it is not “daas torah”. Well, it is not edc’s daas torah but it surely is torah.

There are “shivim ponim latorah” and Rav Kook’s opinions have the same validity as Rav Sonnenfeld’s. The Rav’s (Rav Joshe Ber) writings have as much truth in them as Rav Shach’s and (here I will get into hot water) Rav Adin Steinsaltz translations and persuhim are as authorative as Artscroll’s.

To claim, as edc does, that anyone offering different opinions is “frei” or that these opinions are “frei’ is an insult to hundreds and thousands of shmorei torah and banishes two thirds of of our yidden into a ghetto. It has been tired before, like the Gro trying to ban chassidus, and it has failed. So will this irresponsible try to cast out shomrei torah umitzvos.