Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?


well, as this is the week of tisha be-av (almost,as according to the sefardim ,there is no shevua shechal bo this year), I shall be very measured and reasonable in my comments.

to nameless, “bemechilas kevod toroshcho” ( i assume you are a male-apologies if this is a mistake- then it would be “toroseich”), I did not ask for an apology from you (on a different posting)because I “blatantly” called a story about a coma for seventy years a fairy tale. BTW, what does Rav Kaniesky have to do wit this ? As far as I reckon, there is no indication that he confirmed this story ,only that this woman’s non-decomposed state was due to the zechus of “no jealousy”, and on this I said, if there are witnesses that this is indeed the case, then indeed it is the case.

I called for an apology because you called me a “koifer”, without reason, without any basis and without understanding what that means in terms of motzi shem ra.

If you think that it is common practice to go around calling people “kofrim” without any reason, then,sadly, you are part of the biryonim of yore and the ultras of today who want to silence any debate by calling names.That is not how our Sages throughout the centuries have acted. See the letters of the “Imrei Emess” , the Gerrer Rebbe zz’l, gave Rav Kook zz’l all the kovod he deserved. I think it is advisable to refraim from callong anyone names and sticking to the debate at hand.