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Bais Yaakov maydel

GILA, your last comment:

“if Hashem brings us to it, He will bring us through it.”

there is NOTHING that we cant overcome, you know why??

becuase we were created biTZELEM ELOKIM. do you know what that means???

i may not be out of HS like you, but i know that when it says in sefer bereishis “VaYipach Nishmas Chaim B’Adam,” it means that Hashem “blew” into each one of us part of Himself. how amazing is that?? because we are GODLIKE and godly, we have the supernatural abilities to overcome a/t that comes our way, no matter how hard it seems. this tzelem Elokim gives us the power and kochot to do so.

also, it says in the parsha of akeidas Yitzchak, “ViHaElokim Nissah Et Avraham.” i learned 16 meforshim on this phrase. almost all of them mentioned the passuk in tehillim that says “Hashem tzaddik yivchan”—why?? why does Hashem test tzadikim?

the Rambam and Seforno say so that Avraham can take “min hakoach el haPoel,” so that he gets schar not just for having the right intentions (i really want to give my son to Hashem as a korban), but rather putting that into action and actually bounding his son up to the mizbayach.

i hope i dont sound like a typing mussar person. im really just a HS senior that remembers what i learned. anyway one more thing:

in bereishis rabbah it gives a mashal of a tzadiks nisayon to a jar-maker that wants to test out how strong his wares are. he wont take the weakest jar b/c it will crack the first time he hits it. he’ll take the strongest one. in the same way, Hashem tests those who can handle their nisyonos….CONSIDER YOURSELF ZOCHE TO BE TESTED BY HASHEM.

then you can say well doesnt Hashem KNOW if i can pass or not?

a)its your choice whether to pass the test or not; its not like you CANT do it, like i mentined before.

B) the Ramban and Abarbanel explain that Avrahams nisayon was in order to show the world how far his love for Hashem really is, and the never-ending boundaries to his yiras v’ahavas Hashem.

i think i went off on a tangent here, hope it makes things easier to understand,

feel free to ask questions could i could write a lot more on this topic 🙂

good luck! may you be zoche, GILA, to overcome all your Nisyonos.