Reply To: New to YWN, & Frumkeit – Questions?

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Mazel tov and much success to you in your endeavor. “To Be A Jew” by Donen (or Donin) is a good book to read, as is “The Jewish Book of Why.” I would get involved with a group of people such as those in Aish HaTorah, who specialize in kiruv (bringing Jews closer to G-d). Above all, in my opinion, it is better to take small steps that are concrete and lasting, rather than BIG steps that may or may not take. Flipping in and flipping out are common among people who take on too much at once. I have seen it happen time and again. But when you take upon yourself basic Shabbos observance, eating kosher food, and trying to learn about basic Judaism, you give yourself a foundation to build upon. When you find a rav you can rely upon and who is patient and happy to answer the manuy questions that will surely arise, you will have a great start. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and try to surround yourself with influences that will help strengthen you in your quest. All the best to you.