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NP:I’m going to give this one last try.

Finally, in your last post you CLEARLY stated that “G-d had a preference for either Barkat or Porush, or for Obama or McCain”.


Now, I imagine that you would agree that when the average balabos (like me & you & RoB) is attempting to determine who to vote for, our considerations include things like

1) Who’s better for Israel?

2) Who’s better for the economy?

3) Who’s better for education? etc. etc.

However most of us never think in terms of “Who’s better for Hashem”? Or, “Who does Hashem want us to vote for”?

That’s the difference between Da’as Torah & Da’as Balabayis. Da’as Torah is thinking on a totally different channel then me & you.

Da’as Torah is thinking on Hashem’s channel.

Therefore being that the question here is, “Who does Hashem want to be President”? & NOT “Who do WE think will make a better President”? the Gedolim are eminantly more suited to make such a decision than ourselves.

As I stated earlier, does this mean Gedolim can never err? Of course not. Does this mean the Gedolim can never disagree? Of course not.

However the people who ask Da’as Torah such questions are asking for the same reason they ask Rabbanim Halacha questions – because they want to do Ratzon Hashem.

For example, I remember reading in the biography of R’ Pam Zatza”l about how someone once came to R’ Pam with the following scenario, He lived in Brooklyn & had a decent job & made enough money to get by with no problems at all.

He was now being offered a job out of town with a HUGE salary. What should he do?

You would say, R’ Pam is not any more qualified to answer such a question than me or you. However that is only correct if the question is, “What’s best for me”?

If the question is “What does HASHEM THINK is best for me”?, suddenly R’ Pam is in first place.

It would be worth your while (you too rabbiofberlin – & everyone for that matter) to purchase the Sefer “Derech Sicha” which is a compilation of non-halachik questions (hashkafa) which were asked to R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a. It is absolutely incredible to see how every single query was answered with a Passuk in Chumash or a Midrash etc.

Because a Gadol is in tune with what HASHEM wants – we are not.

So it is with all such issues.