Reply To: Kollel Sustainability

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SJS, for years boys would get a degree, to have under their belts for when needed. The problem is, that there are many areas (and this was true 25 years ago too, as technology started to take off) that will get obsolete fast, like computers, so somehow it’s necessary to keep a foot in the door.

I don’t think kollel should be by merit only. OTOH I don’t think kollel is for everyone either. Why not expand the learner/earner concept to other areas besides mortgages and start encouraging our young men to work and learn half day, which will maximize their years in (not quite full time, true) kollel, and being machshiv these boys? I envision a day where this will be a real option for decent learners, not just those who may have had uneven learning histories, like many unmarried guys who are working now. This may be unfair stereotyping but a good number of working boys out there fall under two categories: professionals, whose school history was fine and learn well, and “working boys” whose academic resume was checkered.

Re gavra at work: what are the working options bein hasedarim? Tutoring? Haircutting? Handiwork? Other ideas? Anything besides tutoring will require some level of training and experience – when do these guys get the training?