Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Taking Issue With School Administration)

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I have to say that I am appalled. By The Yeshivah world Website, and by the posters here. Of course this is a very sad story, and should be addressed, like any other business machlokes.

BUT, to malign all schools, or even just girls schools is terrible. Do you have any idea what sacrifice the owners and administrators put into these schools to help YOUR children. What a bunch of kafuy Tovah. They practically give up their lives to start and maintain these schools, and the action of a few individuals (of course we never heard their side before judging them) ruins the rest of the bunch.


Yeshivah World News, what do you think Hashem is thinking right know that you have a hand in maligning (one sided) all the Mosdos that are sacrificing Lisheim Shamayim. Whose side do you want to be on after 120 years, the mosdos, or these people who are completely thankless.

And one more point, “these mosdos are cash cows”. That is 1. insulting 2. for most girls schools completely not true. 3. is there something wrong for mosdos to be in the black? or do they have a chiyuv to always struggle?

Obviously, you think that they owe you an free education. let me tell you, unless they charge you exactly what is costs them to educate your child (between 12,000 – 14,000 a year) you had better keep quiet.

I am ashamed to see that these posters are “frum yidden who are yarei shamayim”

I am truly ashamed, and am crying for those special individuals that sacrifice so much for these complete ingrates.

Yeshiva World, consider changing your name, because if THIS represents the Torah world I WANT OUT !!!!