Reply To: Gifts on Chanukah – How Often?

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Gifts on Chanukah – How Often? Reply To: Gifts on Chanukah – How Often?

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Bais Yaakov maydel,

Thank you for sharing that fact, but I’m not sure how that’s relevant to the discussion about gifts on Chanuka. What does the 25th day of December have to do with the 25th day of a particular Egyptian month? Are you saying that Egypt used the same solar calendar as the secular one used today, and that the incident of of Yosef HaTzadik and eshes potifar happened on the 25th day of December? And, if that’s the case, how is that relevant to giving Chanukah gifts except when Chanuka is on the 25th of December? Or are you drawing some kind of parallel with the 25th of Kislev?