Reply To: UPDATE: Mishnayos for the Mumbai KEDOSHIM – 1-TEVES (TODAY) IS THE SHLOSHIM

Home Forums Bais Medrash UPDATE: Mishnayos for the Mumbai KEDOSHIM – 1-TEVES (TODAY) IS THE SHLOSHIM Reply To: UPDATE: Mishnayos for the Mumbai KEDOSHIM – 1-TEVES (TODAY) IS THE SHLOSHIM


A suggestion to R’ YW Editor, post the date (Hebrew and English) when this should be completed and post a reminder the week before (maybe also 2 weeks) that the deadline is approaching. I know that our usernames have emails that were used to sign up, is it possible to send email reminders to anyone who posted on this thread? I will BE”H remember, but with so many people, someone might forget.