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I don’t often daven among chassidim, but my limited experience tells met hat nussach is somewhat not better preserved among chassidim. One very prominent “superstar” cantor, who happens to be chassidic, does not know nussach. I heard him once daven on a Pesach, and his Mussaf was completely devoid of real use of prayer motifs, and indeed his “bnei Beischa” was completely off. I have met amny aspiring cantors, many of this chassidic. They are ignorant of the finer points of nussach. Some of them confuse Tal/Geshem and Neilah. Others don’t know the difference between Malchuyot and Shofarot.
Quite frankly though in virtually all the schuls I’ve seen in the recnt past, nussach has been eviscerated. Even those who adhere to it’s basic components, do so mindlessly and without ever stopping to consider the text. I’m sorry but while both Vchulom Mekablim and Hamechadeish b’tuvo are sung in the Ahava Rabbah mode, they should not sound the same. Tikanta Shabbos should be sung identically to Yismach Moshe. Arbaim Shannah is a vaslt different text from Shomah Vatismach Tzion. There is no justification for singing them exactly the same way. Davening for the amud has become little more than mindless prattling admixed with some feel good songs. Rarely, if ever, do I encounter anything intelelctually stimulating from people at the amud.