Reply To: Financial Aid for Yeshivos

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Financial Aid for Yeshivos Reply To: Financial Aid for Yeshivos


Look, the fact is that the current system simply isn’t sustainable. I wish it were, but it isn’t. My husband accidently walked in on a conversation that two teachers at our son’s school were having. They were complaining about families on scholarship who the go on fancy vacations. And they are right- the bottom line is that we have to get serious about our kids’ education (we’re one of the full tuition payers). Are we creating (sustaining?) a culture of taking handouts? Because at this point, the poor are taking handouts from those of us working maximum hours and just barely scraping by. It won’t work- it isn’t working. The charter school idea here is interesting, but it would mean that our kids would be in school not only with Jews of other backgrounds, but non-Jews of backgrounds. If you don’t think X-ian fundamentalists would jump at the chance to send their kids to a charter school like this, I think you are sadly mistaken. If this is the direction we want to go in, we have to decide if the risks are worth the rewards.