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Hakatan, a rebuttal.
First, you seem like a sincere individual, but it is propaganda that you have been fed that has affected you. It is unfortunately rampant in the Yeshiva World, and you are not the only victim. Second, I live here in the comfortable USA.
Regarding your points:
1) The govt being short of money and choosing not to support yeshivos, does not mean it is trying to shutter them, any more than if a meshulach comes to me and I can only give him a meager amount for his yeshiva does not mean I am trying to shutter his yeshiva.
2) Regarding the lack of yahadus. Please show me anywhere in the world where the percentage of frum Jews is higher. The vast majority of Israelis today make a seder and I believe even fast on YK.
3) The reform movement began in Europe long before the Zionists and the medinah existed, and had already made a big percentage, possibly even the majority, of Jews to be non-frum. If chinuch was so perfect in Europe, how did this happen?
Regarding the statments of the zionist leaders during the holocaust, they are all lo maaleh vlo morid. The holocaust was perpetrated by the Nazis and the local anti-semites and tHere is not a single thing the zionists or anybody else could have done. Those statements by the Zionists are offensive and childish, but are essentially meaningless. I used to be bothered by them, and I read the Unheeded Cry by Rav Weissmandl, but I later came to believe nothing could have been done anyway. Let me explain. Supposedly there was some crazy deal that one could bribe the Germans and buy them trucks, and then they would save some Jews. Do you really believe this? EVery thing the Nazis did was based on deception and lies. Hitler violated every agreement he ever signed. In addition, the Nazis would always try to win confidence and then stab in the back. They would say before an aktion that everybody needs to assemble in the town square and leave their homes unlocked, and we are only going to take a census or something similar and anybody not showing up will be shot. SO they would all show up, and sure enough the Nazis would deport the group, and then raid their houses and plunder.
When they got to the camps, they were told they should remove their valuables for a shower, the Jews complied and then were gassed. Countless examples.
It is quite logical that the Nazis after receiving the 1 million dollar bribe for trucks would likely use those same trucks to go after even more Jews, now gaining more money plus more dead Jews in the process. Who in the world would trust a Nazi. In retrospect, maybe we should be glad that that bribe money was spent building up EY or for other causes, remaining in Jewish hands, rather than supplying the Nazis in some dubious deal.
So the Zionists, despite whatever they supposedly did or did not say, had absolutely no control over the killings, even a ki hu zeh.
Regarding Gush Katif, I felt terrible and totally opposed the expulsion, and had friends there. But nevertheless, there was a legitimate argument put forth that why should 30,000 or more soldiers be at risk to protect 8,000 people? It is not for me to decide, as majority rules in Israel, and they elected Sharon with full knowledge of what he was going to do. My only taynah was that if you don’t want to protect them, at least let them stay at their own risk, and don’t expel them. Why this was not done, I don’t know.
However, keep in mind that supposedly Rav Shach said that one should give up land for peace, and Rav Ovadiah Yosef supposedly wrote the same thing a while back, as well. So leshitascha, the right thing was done, anyway. The fact that it wouldn’t lead to peace was obvious to me, but could not be proved before the expulsion.
4) I am not saying everything the govt does is right. It has a long way to go, but you need to see the tremendous matanah the RBSH gave us that we have any Jewish gov’t at all over there. We have a beautiful land and country and beautiful people being moser nefesh to build and improve it each and every day.
5) Even the nonfrum in the govt have a pintele yid. I just read in Mishpacha magazine that Levi Eshkol every Shabbos would sit in a special chair and sing his father’s and grandfather’s niggunim.
6) You need to read Rav Teichtal’s Eim Habanim Smechah, where he excoriates the frum community for not working together with the Zionists to build a frum state. INstead they operated with their usual cherems and bans, and the Zionists were left to do the work alone. It is no wonder the state is not frummer. Finally, he brings a shtarker raya that the zionists have tremendous zchusim. We know that the land will vomit out sinners. Since the land hasn’t vomited them out, it is a rayah that they are chaviv in the eyes of the RBSH.