Reply To: Following the Goldbergs

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As far as you know, Hashem wants you to earn millions of dollars a year, live in a fancy house and drive a Lexus, and support all of the Kollelim.

As far as you know, Hashem wants you to eat dry bread and be an example to us all.

As far as you know, Hashem wants you to sell your furniture (even as is) to support Kollel Bochrim.

As far as you know, Hashem wants you and your family in a one room apartment in Mea Shiarim and you will have to answer why you have a house (and internet!).

Hate to be realistic, but we do not KNOW what Hashem wants.

As an additional point, Hashem punishes anyone who withholds him/her self from pleasure they should of had in Olam Hazeh. (Nedarim 10a) (seems Nedarim is popular today 🙂

I believe most people these days, even with housekeepers, clean/prepare for Shabbos.