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Will Hill


cantoresq, and nebech look at what became of you! (Thats a joke.)

The seperation of genders works very well in the Charedi world (despite the relatively infrequent incidents.) We have far less of the problems cantoresq mentions in his high school years (and he came from a co-ed pre-high school background.)

And Chareidi marriages, coming from no mixed gender settings, work out proportionately FAR better than the secular world or even the non-secular “modern” world.


Will, take it from a oisvarf 🙂 like me, you’re wrong. It’s simply that much of the mischief is still below the societal radar. In my profession, I’ve come to learn of a alot of it. Homo-erotic sex play, frequenting strip clubs, use of prostitutes, even fooling around with the heimishe “maidel next door” all abide in chareidi circles. And it’s becoming more and more frequent. Ignoring it only increases the frequency of it. This isn’t about a numbers game. Does it really make a difference if “only” 15% of chareidim have pre-marital sex as compared to 35% of non-Chareidi Orthoodx as compaed to 90% of non-Jews? (I made up all the numbers) the fact is that there is a problem festering in our midst, and it seems nothing is being done, except to try to hide it and deny its existence. As to chareidi marriages, I defy you deny that the divorce rate in chareidi communities is increasing every year and keep a straight face.