Reply To: Kosher Hangouts

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K i am not here to encourage co-ed, I am not endorsing it at all, I have seen the consequences of it over and over. But when its already happening in basements and alleys and bard with frum teens, bring it in to a kosher environment, thats all I am saying. I spent a lot of time thinking this up and talking about it with other adults and kids, and originally I proposed seperate “hangouts” but why would these kids go there? they need a reason to leave what they have. Make it a big building, spererate rooms, really really suervised but some kosher interaction. Or manybe try it without it, at least do something, not just Ohr Nava but something on a lower level, seperate for boys and girls, dont just argue what I am saying but come up with something that will work if my idea wont.

Shindy- I am not on here to get help for myself, yes I have my own issues but I try not to slef pity, I kind of do kiruv myself in JEP and other orginizations, I am usually the one teaching I wouldnt even know where to ask for a private learning partner, but what you are saying is very true, I was kind of turned off by just memoirzing things that didnt mean anything to me, but in seminary when I realized i could just open a sefer and really learn things that I can apply to my daily life it meants so much more.What you are saying is so true, that is whats happening hence is why i suggested heavily supervised co-ed, theres already enough of the non supervised co-ed events, like the concert you meantioned