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We live in very precarious times financially. However, here is a little aitzah toivah to all who think government programs are the answer.

As the financial situation deteriorates further, more people will become reliant on governmental subdsidized programs. The federal dollars are given to the state to allocate. The state budgets are also hurting, and they too are doing belt-tightening. I have personally gone to bat against governmental agencies seeking to cut benefits from truly needy people.

SSA: People receiving Social Security Disability payments are being forced to show documentation for twenty years back. Since doctors, hospitals etc. purge documents every seven years max, there is no documentation. They are being billed for 14 years of benefits+ interest.

Medicaid: Medicaid is behind in payments as much as seven months. This is causing hospitals, nursing facilities, and doctors to rethink their risk exposure in this economic situation.


As soon as most of society joins the welfare coffers, welfare departments will begin making housecalls and determining true need. An unannounced visit to a house full of silver, with a Lexus in the garage, and luxurious leather couches might raise some flags. Welfare is meant for the DESPERATELY poor.

The choice to join welfare is entirely up to you, but this is something to think about.