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yossi: your kia/mercedes moshul is flawed, as i said that eh mac is more expensive when priced against the same thing in terms of specs in a pc. and if you build one yourself, you can get cases that blow the mac case out of the water in “coolness”. also, explain how a computer reflect oneself. yes, if you are one to be told what you can and cannot have, then go ahead buy a mac. i like to do things my way, and have inside my case the specs i want, not what steve jobs wants.

the reason why pcs crash alot, is because software for them is not always written well, as mac controls the software for their computer. see, with the iphone, where they are a little more lenient with their code, the software people create for it, crashes the piece of garbage and deletes data all the time. i have a pc for years, and it has never crashed on me, except once, when i moved my machine, and the video card came out a bit, and the machine froze up. shutdown, popped card into slot, and was on my way. otherwise, my computer is stable as can be. i make sure any and every piece of software going on my machine is safe. alot of people dont, and their machine becomes unstable.

sorry, but you couldnt get into anyones computer and do that. i have 3 programs that would tell me within seconds, not to mention, you need to get through my firewall. and dont think for 2 seconds that a mac is any less vulnerable to a seasoned hacker.

illini, just to let you know, there are two big graphic designer schools that have now switched to pcs. the mac is loosing ground with them, as people coming into the schools primarily know the pc interfaces, and were having trouble switching. not to mention that the c no longer lags behind in rendering of pictures and video, including 3d, of the mac.