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However, we see that the Aguda has adapted itself well enough to the reality of life in the modern world that it indeed is the future and while Rav Soloveichik’s way is chas vesholom not the past, many of the children of his followers are moving closer to the Aguda in terms of hashkafah and practice.

And when Rav Kook’s followers protest the unraveling of their once hallowed dream by singing Reb Amram Bloy’s once almost notorious Hashem Hu Malkeinu (once known only as Hashem Hi Malkynee), that hitherto was mostly a Purimdige niggun in their circles and just about everywhere else, I think we know which way the arrows are pointing.

My Hashem Hu Malkeinu ringtone is not the narrishkeit of the ragtag Ku Klux Kartel singing off tune in a grotesque pronunciation that sounds like me singing who knows what words to “Gelt” on Purim; it is recorded in perfect modern Ivrit by Ariel Zilber, a former paratrooper and erstwhile secular recording star who saw the light after Gush Katif.

Hmm..strange hashgocho protis – no sooner was I ready to hit Send Post than Toker started to play….Gelt. What words should I write this year…….let’s see what happens in the elections and who sells out for a bissel nisht kusher GELT!