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“It is precisely that false sincerity that makes the posts dangerous – or, yes SJS is sincere – sincerely wrong and dangerous. The last time I went kanoi it was against someone whose posts were rambling, ridiculous and full of errors. That was easy. This is hard.”

The attitude which you demonstrate by remarks such as these, makes it more difficult to appreciate the halachically accurate remarks that you have made and will, I am sure, continue to make. People who speak offensively to others simply because they disagree with them, eventually are tuned out. If you REALLY wanted to make a point that might alter someone’s hashkafa in a way that you view as more positive, the old adage “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” might apply (even if you hate flies).

You sound very angry at times, and might want to take a leaf from Hillel. SJS did not deserve your response. And neither does anyone else. You only give strength to the point that people who are zealous, usually have an agenda other than avoda l’Shem Shamayim, even if they themselves do not recognize it. It’s the need to be RIGHT. I won’t call you a kanoi, because it has a negative connotation these days. An emesdig kanoi has no agenda other than doing avodas Hashem according to His Will. That is not what I am seeing here – but rather a whole bunch of statements insulting other people, which is an oxymoronic concept when one is a frum Yid who should be showing Ahavas Yisroel, not the opposite.