Reply To: The Cunningness Of Hashem So Apparent In The Creation

Home Forums Wonders of Creation The Cunningness Of Hashem So Apparent In The Creation Reply To: The Cunningness Of Hashem So Apparent In The Creation


tal-the discussion stemmed from the difference between believing and knowing. Obviously when one is living the naaseh v’nishmah then they will be zoche to having the menuchas hanefesh of realizing Hashems presence, and the yishuv ha’daas that observing and learning the Torah is complete and total truth. (Which also includes integrating into ones belief system that Hashem is always running the world)

That’s a choice that has to be made–if that is where that person wants to be. It takes time and maturity to get there, and a new placement of one’s nekudas ha’bechira.

I share with a lot of our fellow yidden who want proof, etc. before they take on certain observances, and it’s hard for them to digest the concept of action before understanding. When the concept of na’aseh v’nishma is understood that takes a lot of the burden off, again if that is where they ultimately want to go. The key is they have to want it.

teen-more suggested reading: “If You Were G-d” by R’ Aryeh Kaplan