Reply To: Please Rate President Obama�s Performance

Home Forums Politics Please Rate President Obama�s Performance Reply To: Please Rate President Obama�s Performance

isha kshaira

in just a few short days, Obama has proven to be a little kid from the country side who came to visit the big city. He is clueless of how to rule a great nation like ours. The decisions he has made proves him immature and incompetent. I only hope he doesn’t do irreparable damage. He surrounded himself with a bunch of clowns whom he’ll have a hard time controlling, and will have to spend numerous hours shushing them up. Obama is doing to the presidency of the USA, what Shabtai Zvi did to our Rabbanim in those days. May Hashem put his right hand over us, his children, so that President Barak Hussein Obama’s policies all fail!!! Amen!!!