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I was reading through this thread and couldnt clearly transmit my feelings into words. But I’ll try. There was a time where I was also disinterested in yiddishkeit. It didnt actually affect my outside appearance. I am in yeshiva still. I was in yeshiva then and I sort of pushed through it. I was always in the yeshiva setting and couldnt relate to this obsession in learning. From a young age it was evident that I was beyond my years and was successful at it. My parents pushed me to learn alot. I had pressure from many directions. Dont misunderstand me, I think mitzvos are unbelievable, they are true good. If you think deeply into the humann physce, the mitzvos are truly in sync with them. THey mold you into the most ideal man. Foget the obvious ones of kibbud av v’em and tzaar balei chayim. But even the mitzvos relating to the korban pesach are there for a sense of grandeur, of beauty. The mitzvos of emunah give you a sense of relaxation, of knowledge that there is “someone” looking out for you that cares

for you. There is a vort on parshas bishalach I would like to share with everyone which has made an impact on my life. When the jews were in the midbar and did not have water they were complaining about dying there. They came to the oasis of salty bitter water. What did they do at that point? Moshe upon instruction from hashem threw in a bitter piece of wood and what happened? The water became sweet! Wonder of wonders! Let me continue on in this story… Hashem gives us a few mitzvos at this location and the possek continues if you listen to these mitzvos you will never get sick like the egyptions. Besause I am your healer. There are a number of glaring questions and lessons we can discuss here. For one: Why at this point did hashem feel it was time to give them mitzvos? Two: In reference to the doctor quote, if hashem is telling us that we wont get sick why do we need a doctor? There are various explanations, and using them I would like to take out a few lessons. Rashi explains that Hashem is telling us

that you wont get sick if you keep the mitzvos and secondly if you do get sick ie. you dont keep the mitzvos which causes you to get sick I am always here for you as your doctor to heal you. Beautiful words! But I’ll continue. When I first read this rashi it got me a little frustrated: hashem is threatening us to keep us in line! Come on! The ramban explains that it cant be further from the truth. He explains that specifically at this moment that all the jews saw that something bitter made something bitter. How can that be? Hashem knows and did it. So too there are mitzvos, like Im commanding you now at this pinnacle, that may seem bitter but they are really sweet. To bring this a little more down to earth, there are some mitzvos that are obvious the 6 mitzvos bnei noach plus a few more give or take that are easy to understand grab onto that enthusiasm and carry it over to those moments that are “bitter” which appear bitter but are really sweet. You can use the anomaly for your parents too. I dont remember

focused on it before but a parent who tells there kid not do go into the street it is obvious he cares for the best in the child. So in the next scenario he may have a funny way of expressing his caring but you see from the first time how much he cares but more than just cares, KNOWS whats good for the child. THere are times in your life teen, tha t you appreciate your parents will, there are other times where its a little harder. But try to carry over that enthusiasm. They may seem disconnected to your reality. To who you are but really they are trying to impart their belief in you and how much good you can do. THe president barack obama screamed his will of change across america. The critics are screaming give us something of substance, something rooted in reality. He plods onwith the message “yes we can!!!!” he may seam misconnected. I choose to focus on his enthusiasm. He knows he can make a difference. He isnt set back by “reality” so he will be able to break through reality. Teen times are tough, you

are disintersted. I can understand that I have my ups and downs too. But I try to plod on hashem is my healer, my doctor, my coach there with me as long as I want to grab on. He will heal you if you do the right thing. I am very lazy. I have no attention span. Just ask my But obama’s echoed message of hope of yes I can tells me to plod on. But we have more than obama. We have hasme on our side. In the way we choose hashem helps us. THat gives me the courage to push through the much and “reality”. THats enough for now. I probably lost everyones interest a while ago. I’ll continue some other time. I wish you well on your day to day. day by day push.