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Trasnslation [although not from a chushoveh poster yw-21]

IN Pas habah b’cisnin [lit. bread that is with cisnin -sweets– snack bread..] The early sages [also referred to as rishonim but since we do not know hebrew i am not sure if you use that term] In the rishonim there are three main shitos.

1 dough that is made like a pocket? that is filled with nuts and honey and other sweets.

2. Bread made with many nuts and spices

3. Like dried acin [whats that?!?!] eaten by itself at a beis hamishtah

L’halachah the Shulcahn Aruch paskens l’koolah and says to make mezonos and al hamichya

but one who looks in the words of the rishonim and poskim will see that they argue on this. [ not like how the derech hachaim and ma’amer mudcheh [mordechai]

l’choirah [ anyone knows how to translate l’choirah {the mesoros hashas brings down the aruch kesubos 54 a on the bottom of the amud that it means when you open something and look at it at first light and it is loshon arami on the side of rashi by the bottom]]]]

either way lchoirah there is what to look into when you eat sweet bread since it is a safef [because of machlokes] and [the nafka minah is ] by a seudah of pas drinks [except wine] are potur from a brachah after the pas and from the safek [ there is a rule safek brachos l’hakel– a safek by brachos we are lenient and do not make a brachah.] you should not make a brachah on the drinks.??

[i must look into this inyan more

well now the cr also has a part time translator.]