Reply To: Coca-Cola Classic and Yiddishkeit

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JayMatt, I understand that not everyone is a Zevulun. But understand that the society that preaches to sit and learn, looks down on people who go to work. You cannot be a zevulun if you don’t have money to give someone. Unfortunately, in this world, we need money for food, shelter, clothing etc.

In old times, support mainly meant food. So someone could plant an extra acre for another family to feed and help them build a house. Nowadays, its food, shelter (which requires monthly payments as opposed to just helping build someone a shelter), medical insurance, yeshiva tuition…it takes a lot more than it used to. So you DO need a skewed number.

Not everyone needs support. But most do – most women (especially if they dont go to college) don’t earn enough to support a family.

If you doubt this, find out how many people in Lakewood are on WIC, food stamps, government health insurance, HUD…what is that if not support?