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A. Nuran

Will, as a guy who has been married a long time let me make a prediction. With an attitude like yours you will make some girl very, very happy and be cause her to offer up heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving to Hashem.

She will be ecstatic that she didn’t marry you and be more grateful than you can believe that the Almighty didn’t saddle her with an arrogant woman-hating guy with a Napoleon complex.

I’m as serious as cancer about this.

Women want to be loved, cherished and valued. They thrive on decent treatment, little services and courtesies that let them know you adore them. “Walk three paces behind me, woman. G-d doesn’t think you’re worth half of one of me. And if there’s a fire? Get out of the way. I’m the one who deserves to survive because I have a beard,” sends an entirely different message that women hear loud and clear. The message is “Self-centered jerk. Run away as far and as fast as you can.”

The only sane basis of any society at any time is “Women and children first.” It is a man’s first duty to protect pregnant women and young children. Without them there is no future. Us men, especially young men? We’re a dime a dozen. The Nation only needs a few of us. Women? Every one of them is precious.