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“an unnamed, highly informed-placed former U.S. intelligence offical, has broken silence and says that America will be abandoning Israel, in favor of the Arabs. Israel could be losing support of America. The Obama adminisration is no friend to Israel, is no friend to jews in America, no friend to democracy, or freedom in America. Just by his appointments, he has given postions of power to people who are anti-semitic.”
Okay, I read this, not sure if I could post the news site(Arutzsheva and up to your descretion to delete, MODS), but after reading this article, I am glad I did not vote for Obama. Of course, everything that Hashem is doing, is to benefit the jews and get them to do Teshuvah. I pray that we are ALL zocheh to greet Moshiach peacefully and hopefully we will be on the way to a true recovery. The only way to recover from all the terrible calamities befalling Klal Yisrael and prevent things from getting much worse, is to do teshuvah.