Reply To: Jewish Music (is it either)?

Home Forums Music Jewish Music (is it either)? Reply To: Jewish Music (is it either)?

Think BIG

I am not going to say that this kind of music is ideal. Music is a complex subject about which much has been discussed among the gedolei mussar. Music affects your neshama, that’s for sure, and so some will go so far as to say that even composers like those you mentioned, their neshomos went into their music, and it affects yours if you listen…(I have certainly heard that in regard to Yanni)

But i want to give you a perspective to consider, and if you don’t like it, just chuck it. abcd mentioned the big event. Lipa was recently interviewed and he made a point that I thought was interesting. He said, (something to this effect) “people nowadays want what’s new. I am giving them what they want. It doesn’t make sense to deny them that because they will just go somewhere else for it.”

While I definitely see that that line of reasoning is basically being metaher the tamey, and excusing themselves for it, the fact is that many young people struggle with the nisayon of listening to non-jewish music, which is infinitely worse (imho) than shwekey or mbd. If you give them kosher (or at least “jewish” entertainment that has beat, that will get them dancing to jewish words rather than non-jewish words, I would think there is merit in producing these albums.

Having said that, if you think or feel that listening to these albums effects your neshama badly, dont listen to them.

btw, how many of you out there do not listen to Shwekey??