Reply To: Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese???

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese??? Reply To: Hat and Jacket at Chuck-E-Cheese???


Did everyone read the same thread I did?

What I read mostly from the “anti” side was not really anti, but more saying it is in no way commendable to wear black and white.

The “pro” side was saying that if others want to dress like goyim, fine, but yeshiva bochrim are doing better.

mdlevine, that is a beautiful story. And their clothing was much more appropriate in winter in Minnesota than when its hot outside and they arent going to davening. Their clothing was a uniform, but the uniform is not what set them apart. It was their chesed for someone they didn’t know that did. Commendable for wearing the uniform? No. Commendable that they pushed the car? Absolutely. May they be zoche to do many more mitzvot!