Reply To: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting?

Home Forums In The News Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? Reply To: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting?


Dear YW editor,

I don’t know why you even wrote the article on the NY Post, but from the medical standpoint V.P. Biden isn’t wrong. If you decrease your exposure to public places which include -planes, trains, subways, busses and other places, you decrease your potential exposure to the virus. BTW, if our Pres. and VP cared about the safety of US citizens, they would have closed the US- Mexican border. This line about closing the stable door after the horse has left is nonsense! The more people infected in this country with the disease- the more of a chance to spread it to more people. This is Epidmieology 101!