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Ya’ll missed the boat, it has already sailed with the outlawing of sodomy laws regarding the act itself. It is now on the books of law in the USA that you are allowed to do whatever you want! You will see it on the street either way, just like you see people driving on shabbos.
I personally compare it to amalgamation/miscegenation, which used to be on the books as a hanging offense but is now allowed. To many people in the USA, that is worse than Toeiva marriage! (agree with OP)
At this point, I believe the best we can hope for is to get the government out of marriage completely, and only create “civil unions”. Otherwise, everything will end up being allowed, due to “anti-discrimination”.
As per the recent ruling of the State Supreme Ct. of CA, as long as no actual rights are taken away, the removal of a specific word usage as a definition is permitted. However, many states have allowed it and will continue to do so. Either we move to a Midbar or learn to live with it.