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This probably won’t get published, but I’ll write it anyway:

Politics now rule the Agudah. Take, for example, their recent dinner, where Bloomberg was honored. Bloomberg, who is a firm supporter of gay marriages. R’ Gifter zt”l, in his famous speech against R’ Dr. Norman Lamm, spoke about selling out the Torah for government dollars. Honoring Bloomberg at the Agudah dinner was the same thing. Yes, Bloomberg helps many Jewish schools get government funding. So what? He is a firm supporter of what the Torah describes as an abomination. Honoring him because of some money places a price tag on how much you value the Torah. I’m sure that R’ Gifter zt”l would have gotten up and spoke against such a thing, had he been there. But, as I said, the Agudah is now run by politics. Look at the issues with the Agudah and Torah Umesorah when it came to the child molestation issue! Torah Umesorah refused to get involved because it would open themselves up to a potential lawsuit. They later denied ever knowing about it to avoid being sued. Instead of helping the victims, and preventing more cases, they were worried about the cost to them.

These are my issues with Agudah. The fact that they are against YU and Modern Orthodoxy as a whole is another thing, but not as big as the ones I mentioned. If you believe your way is right, then go ahead, stand up for it. I don’t have to support you, but it is your right. But selling out your beliefs for money is wrong in any case, and that’s what happened.