Reply To: The AZ thread – discuss the shidduch “age gap”

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I am not getting this. why should we say that a girl is “old/undesirable” when she is 23, mature and has a REAL job, while a guy is too young at 22.5 (as some said before)? I have no problem with men learning in kollel for shana rishona so they can come back earlier from Beis Medresh/E”Y. is 1/2 a year in B”M vs kollel going to make such a huge difference in how firmly grounded they are? if the boys are not firmly grounded by age 22, then we have a serious problem. what was elementary, middle, and high school all about? and then 4 years in B”M (18-22)! maybe it isnt the boys fault- maybe our whole chinuch (at school and home) is in trouble! what arent they fully grounded in?