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To Yossiz: I don’t think Proud Tatty is overreacting and if I were techno savvy enough I would have done the same, if you’re referring to posting those links. Here and other places (B”H my filters don’t allow me to go to anything that has “blog” in its link, so I haven’t seen too many) people have been saying stuff like, let’s discourage the girls from marrying young, feed them a tell it like it is sandwich of marriage not being a fairy tale, it’s a lot of hard work, get yourself situated with a career (YES, they use the word career, not job, or fulfilling job, which would be ok), etc. as a means of delaying shidduchim for girls.

NO ONE is doing this for the boys. Yes, I know, they have urges so the rules are different as far as marrying them off. (And, olam, please don’t quote Pirkei Avos and 18 because who waits that long for mishna these days?) But NO ONE is preparing the boys for all the responsibilities of marriage. Middos development, vaadim, etc. is invaluable, and B”H for that. But if people were talking to the boys like they’re proposing talking to the girls, you would see a lot of boys scared sufficiently to be able to wait themselves.