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Prove it. It’s my opinion (of couse you are free to argue) that our Gedolim are not aware of the preperation and “when you marry a kollel boy” that goes on in the Sems. That is a “modernish” idea which I doubt has been discussed with most, if any, of our “gedolim”, who whould probably say they should not be learning Navi in depth as is (ref. to the R’ Chaim & baking story), let alone being pushed into going into the outside world to support their husbands (against “Kol Kavod Bas Melech Pinemah”).
And yes, there is a very big difference between “Machshiv Torah” & “when you marry a kollel boy”.
Cirriculum & ideals are similar in both “when you marry a kollel boy” sems & not (BTW, I would place BJJ in the second catagory). I have nothing against those Sems who really teach a girl to be a bas yisroel (besides for the price & the “supposed need” to go for shidduchim). I’ve just seen too many that are either:
1: there only to push Kollel
2: there so that a girl can say “I went to sem in EY” for shidduchim purposes.
Of course, there are exceptions, (such as BJJ, Michlalah, what I hear about Yavneh, etc.) and most of my comments do not apply to those Sems.
Of course (to get back on track), the need to marry a kollel boy & support tilts the scale heavily towards those girls whose tatties (meor pun) can pay for it. Even AZ agrees that if older girls had additional support they would be considered more over younger girls with none.