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“Tzippi, don’t you know that men are no longer bound by their ketubah? They are no longer required to support their family! That is what a wife and in-laws are for.”

Yeshiva and seminary are luxuries. We already have enough parasites with improper chinuch living off the US government in Lakewood. Is this what we are trying to create in eretz yisroel? Do you think Avraham Avinu, Moshe Rabbeinu, or Yoseph Hatzaddik sat in kollel or beis medrash sipping on instant coffee with extra sugar shmoozing between chavrusas? Wow did you hear that pshat in tosefos? Shkoyach, get a job, before you get cut off! Everyone wants a free lunch these days. I would love to sit in kollel for the rest of my life while someone else pays for it. The ultimate free lunch. Maybe someone else can pay for my housing, my kids’ educations, insurance, car, etc.

I respect bnai yisroel that learn torah im derech eretz. We all know those responsible people that are professionals, that have been through shas, shulchan aruch, and are talmidei chachamim b’emes. We should be encouraging shidduch’im between men and women that will grow into adults not parasites. You can’t live off Mom, Dad, in-laws and Uncle Sam all your life. Well, I guess you can, but keep your kids away from mine.

It seems another modern day problem is that the most educated of yidden are ba’alei teshuva. Those of us with what is seen as a preferable yichus are steps behind in education. Everyone has different priorities in life. If you want to give me a shita from the Chafetz Chaim justifying learning in kollel for 10 years on welfare and medicaid, fine, keep your kids away from mine.

What is p’shat? Do not marry off babies. A 19 or 20 year old girl raised in America is a diaspora baby. A 22-24 year old bucher raised in America is also a diaspora baby.

There are enough parasites in Lakewood. We do not need more.