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A600kilobear, May G-d “just about” comfort you among those who mourn Zion and Jerusalem. I’m so sorry for your “just about” loss. May your “just about” never know more sorrow. I’ll try to be a “just about” gitte beter for you and intercede on High (just about) if you or any of yours go off the derech, or become too spiritual for their own good. Lighten up dude!!!

BPTotty, the green plaid shirt is actually quite natty. My wife bought it for me. It has a blue thread, the exact same shade as the blazer. As to Shudichim, for my sons, the nadan must be huge, enough to support him for not less than 20 years. For my daughter, Ich tzult GORNISHT!!! The privilege of marrying her will be so great (since she not only has “alle mailes,” she defines them (and she;s only 6 years old. Imagine what she’ll be like at 18)) that I really should expect the boy to pay me; especially considering the shver who comes with the deal (a Yid who defies all expectations, can say a shiur in khaki pants, commune with G-d while tickling his kid (and wearing madras plaid shorts) criticize the chazzanim and leap over tall buildings in a single Borsalino, or two Venezia’s or three Habigs), not to mention the shviger (who puts up with the shver’s mishigas’n). But I won’t buck the system that much.