Reply To: OUTRAGES?! Violence in Jerusalem

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R’ Yechezkel Abramsky zt”l from Ponovetz once said that the krum kupp was only created for shidduchim and being dan l’kaf zchus.

So nice to see many krum kupps on the street tonight.

The Gedolim are silent because they know their words won’t work with this crowd. These are people who have their own da’as torah. And apply their own psak when they see fit. The gedolim never organized any protest here (unlike the Shabbos parking lot) so any comment about this protest will be viewed by some as an approval of the protest initially. Additionally, requesting that one of the gedolim leave now (11pm) and go there go calm the crowd will only cause the expectation among the rioter to continue future rioting until told explicitly in person by a gadol not to.

In regard to the toeva parade a few years back, R’ Moshe Shternbuch personally told people in my yeshiva that one should go protest (he did as well), he knew people would take it too far, he was ashamed in advance that people would take it too far. But he said he would not turn his back on those who took it too far.

There are many people who, unfortunately need an outlet. After sporting events there are often riots. Studies have shown that the rioters often have no connection to the sporting event. The just want to riot. I have no doubt that many people tonight are more inspired to act against the police as a way of expressing their perceived mistreatment at the hands of the authorities over the Shabbos Parking lot issue than those who believe this mother is being unfairly treated.