Reply To: OUTRAGES?! Violence in Jerusalem

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Rabbosai, when my child has a temper tantrum, I put him/her in her room and let him/her have a good tantrum. The key is to isolate him/her so s/he doesn’t get any attention during the meltdown. That is the only way to put an end to it. The same should be done in Jerusalem. I think the police should cease trying to stop the rioting. Rather all efforts should be made to contain them to chareidi neighborhoods, like Meah Shearim, Geulah etc. I’d put tanks at the entrances of those neighborhoods. Anyone who wishes to enter may, but no one leaves until the tanks do. The tanks don’t leave until calm is restored. Until then, the beheimes, hooligans, hoodlums, OTD kids, fringe elements, call it what you want, can burn whatever they want and destroy anything they wish. But the neighborhood, as a whole will bear the consequences of it. The rest of Jerusalem can return to their normal lives and not be further burdened by a chareidi temper tantrum. Once the violence stops for three days, the tanks will leave, and the cleanup can begin.