Reply To: Tznius Standards

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Tznius Standards Reply To: Tznius Standards


I’m confused:Is this actually a “debate” on Tznius issues being applicable to daily life?

So far as I know,the Torah has thus far, not been “hijacked by the Taliban”& Tznius is an absolute necessity.

Those who advocate bright colored clothing and slits as being permitted as well as clothing that “fit”along with other leniencies bearin mind that such practices and those who perprtrate them are considered as being “machtee” those whose eyes they attract.

An appropriate thought as we approach Chodesh Ellul,y’mai haRachamim & the Yomim Noraaim.May we all be zocheh to true,inspired Teshuvah.

May HaShem Yisborach inscribe All of K’lal Yisroel with a Kesivah vaChasima Tovah& may we all merit a Shnas Geulah viYeshuah.