Reply To: Tznius Standards

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to zalman, I actually did not say that there si no such concept as not teaching gemoro to women. I did question Matisjohu’s statement which he was not able to sustain with mekoros. Please check all my comments. Of course,there is a “boatload” (as you call it)of Poskim who pasken like Reb Eliezer and not like Ben Azai. The argument from those inclined to do this TODAY is based on two things (I think) ; one, there is no specific loshon of “ossur” (Osro chachomim or Ossur lelamed) just that the chachomim did not teach women torah shebaal peh because of various reasons (check it out)Secondly, the worst case scenarios is “ke-ilu lomdoh tiflus”. there is a discussion what “tiflus’ means. the mattirim today say ,ok, I will teach her tiflus, but this is not as bas as keeing women ignorant in an era that women are doctors, lawyers,etc..This is begeder “eis laasos lashem, hefieru torusechu”

I am sure that you will not accept these ‘hetterim” and that suits me fine. But do not be hasty to condemn chachomim who take a different view.And, as you wrote, this only applies to torah shebaal peh,NOT torah shebiksav.