Reply To: Tznius Standards

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Joseph, I respect every view and hence, I will answer you with civility,although I vehemently disagree with you.

First, I DID read (learn?) Vajoel Moshe and I was not so nispoel…Yes, the satmarer Rebbe was a tremendous talmid chochom but his arguments are mostly fallacious.So, you are entitled to your view and , in your case, make sure that when the bombs start falling on Meah Shearim ,chas veshalom, they run out with buckets of water to douse the flames.

Secondly, obviously, my very explicit demonstration of sources has left you without any response, so you have to shift the argument to something totally different, which has no bearing on the matter.

Thirdly, the Rambam does not say that “ezras yisroel miyad tzar shebo aleihim” only applies to eretz yisroel, but to ANY place where jews are in danger. so, your reasoning is fallacious as well.