Reply To: Tznius Standards

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Sure! it was,

I think any rov would tell you that even though a rov said that somthing is not prust if you find yourself in a place were that item is considerd by the general (goyishe) society in that place to show hefkeirus it would be ossur to wear.

so you see that what is considerd prust does depend on the general society you are in (as long as you are not showing an ervah)

so why should it be any diffrent if a rov asssired somthing because at the time or society were he was it was considerd prust or loud (wich is probably the only reason you would assir somthing that is not showing an ervah)

if it is no longer considerd by society to show hefkeirus and be prust wich is the only reason it was ossur in the first place it should now be muttar.

If you have an explanation why we should assir things because of trends in goyishe society and not be mattir for the same reason (as long as you are not showing an ervah) please post it.