Reply To: Tznius Standards

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000646- btw, please see my response in “random Qs” to your other Qs…

as far as this, now u are much clearer, thank you! I got all of it, except the last sentence – I’m not sure what u want me to prove, but overall I do agree with what you wrote – things change based on minhag hamakom and different generations (ie even for men I’m sure moshe rabbeinu and the avos dressed differently than current charedim, but I’m just as sure that if they lived today they’d dress the way venerable rosh yeshivas do today).

The caveat emptor here is when you say “if it is no longer considerd by society to show hefkeirus and be prust wich is the only reason it was ossur in the first place it should now be muttar”, the problem is the age old question (at least on these threads!) of who “society” is, and if you are saying that the demoral goyish society should be “kovea” minhag hamakom for us, in which case we should not be dressed almost at all! In meah shearim the minhag hamakom is one way, in lakewood another, in florida another, and in africa another….but the people who ARE kovea it, l’fi DAAS TORAH, are the gedolim of our generation and/or the local G-d fearing rabbonim of that place.