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I see no issues with it as long as it is heavily regulated and protections against forceful “donating” are put in place

If that WERE the case, it would no longer be against the law to do this. I agree btw that pikuach nefesh is docheh everything. BUT, we still live in a country where trying to save a life in a way that is not only illegal but also does not look like that is what you were trying to do, and that is where the dina d’M”D comes in. Those rabbis do not appear to be trying to save lives. They come across as trying to profit from human misery by selling a commodity that is in demand. If they were doing it l’sheim mitzvah, they wouldn’t take money for it. To be honest, I don’t know enough about this news story to really comment on it fairly. I therefore restrict my opinion solely to the sale of organs, and I think ther should be no profit for the middleman .

In English history, I believe, there were two grave robbers Burke and Hare. They robbed the graves to sell the cadavers to the local medical school. When there were not enough people dying, so the stories go, they would procure their cadavers by killing people. Their method was for centuries referred to as Burking someone. Any history and literary buffs out there who knwo this story? Anyway, there is a fear that is truly legitimate, that if body parts could be sold, that people would be mugged and have their organs removed. No more, give me your wallet, more like I’m taking your liver. It HAS happened, and can happen again. There should be a voluntary registry for people who rtruly do not care about the risks of donating, so that they could donate. And yes, there should be some type of compensation, but not $100,000.