Reply To: The “Come Back to the CR” thread

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues The “Come Back to the CR” thread Reply To: The “Come Back to the CR” thread


welcome back shadow! I agree with areivim that its human nature, not just in the CR but in real life as well. Do people in real life get into heated arguments about things that are important to them or about chanuka donuts? However when its online and the person one is talking to is a faceless screen name then I agree that the conversations can get overheated, so everyone needs to remember that the screen name you are putting down is the face of a human with real emotions.

btw, what happened to grumpy old man? I dont remember if I used to see his posts in the CR or if it was on the main site b4 the CR opened. It could be he still posts on the main site, I’m too busy in the CR to go there too often.